My "Twitter creed":
- NO AGENDA. I try not to tell people what to think. I have no monopoly on truth, so can only offer things I find interesting and hope the reader reaches their own conclusions. It's a tough line sometimes, but you know when you’ve crossed it and your tweets come across as being part of the thought police. This doesn’t mean I can’t have an opinion (not having one would make me boring, by the way) but there’s a big difference between expressing that opinion in a way that explains what I think/why and expressing it in a way that implies that everyone should think the same or else they are an idiot. There are exceptions to this rule – expressing strong support for a campaign against racism or injustice, for example. I tweet things I find interesting and which I think others might also find interesting, I try not to have an agenda – I’m not trying to influence what others think, to imply they should agree with certain views or to belittle anyone that holds different opinions. I try to just offer things that stimulate my brain and which others might also find interesting.
- STAY POSITIVE. Life is hard enough without our Twitter feeds being filled with negativity. I think its good to go by the rule “if you haven’t got anything positive to say, don’t say anything.” I try only to tweet positively – things I like, things I find interesting, things I find uplifting. Having a twitter stream of ‘product x is rubbish’ or ‘company y stinks’ isn’t an uplifting experience, so I try not to do it. I like my twitter stream to be uplifting, so try my best to make others that way by not tweeting negatively about things I don’t like. I don’t see twitter as a steam valve for me to vent about things that annoy me – at times its tempting, but I’d hardly present a compelling public image if I tweet about every tiny thing that irritates me (hint: there are lots of those, so be grateful for my restraint!).
- SPEAK TO EVERYONE. I try not to tweet in-jokes or comments aimed at a subset of my followers that others might not understand. Reading things you don’t understand just makes you feel stupid. I’m sure I’m not alone in not liking that feeling, so I try not to do it to others. I try to make my tweets accessible and not selective. Twitter is public place, so I try to reflect that by speaking to anyone and everyone that might be listening.
- HAVE SUBSTANCE. As a general rule, if I can’t think why anyone would be interested I don’t tweet it – so I try not to tweet along the lines of “I put the kettle on” or “the cat just yawned”. I follow lots of interesting people, so have what I consider a large tweet stream. I like my stream to be full of interesting things, not trivia that needlessly pads it even further. I try to respect others twitter streams by not tweeting trivia. The definition of trivia can be elastic though - some seemingly trivial items can sometimes be interesting if they show an unexpected side to somebody, but I think its usually straightforward to decide if something might be interesting or not.
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